Eva Maria Wolf, dwarfs and Giants

(c) Maria Noi

Eva Wolf

corporate design

Eva joined dG in 2022 and is in charge of the entire visual appearance of our brand: from corporate design to branding and workshop materials to the visualization of transformation processes.

After Eva's education as a media specialist and designer in Vorarlberg, the focus of her work was initially on packaging design. As part of her engagement at various agencies, she expanded her professional field into brand design, ad creation, web & digital design & more. In the last two years, Eva has also gained a lot of experience with cross-media B2B campaigns. The main focus here was on concept creation, video/animation and photography.

In the course of her career, she was able to develop and maintain several national and international brands from scratch - from logo development to large-scale brand appearances.

What is the main focus of your work at dwarfs and Giants?

  • Acting as a design guide for the brand dG 
  • Developing the visual appearance of the brand dG 
  • Providing feedback on layouts for dG documents 
  • Co-creating graphic designs together with dG partners 
  • Creating designs for marketing materials

What have been your most important learning experiences?

To jump in at the deep end after my apprenticeship and immerse myself in the Viennese agency scene. My first professional stop in Vienna led me to NOA, a small full-service agency. The time as Art Director was challenging, but also gave me a lot of creative freedom and room for ideas. I was able to take a lot with me from this time - including the fact that modern organizational structures lay the foundation for successful and innovative ideas.

Do you have a favorite ritual or habit? 

Movement is my outlet and refuge in stressful situations; it gives me courage and strength for new challenges. After a run in the morning or a strength training session in the evening, I clear my head and have the capacity to throw myself into new projects again.

Is there a quote that particularly inspires you?

You cannot understand good design if you do not understand people; design is made for people.

Dieter Rams

e [dot] wolfatdwarfsandgiants [dot] org
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