next:pedition Discovery Session
Our next:pedition is an intensive hands-on learning experience on how to create a fundamental shift in the way we work, lead and organize. It’s a co-creation lab under the conditions of volatility, ambiguity and uncertainty. You are curious to learn more and want to get a better understanding if next:pedition could be the right thing for you to do? Well, here is your chance!
The Discovery Sessions will:
- give you an experiential taste of next:land and our next:pedition lab
- answer any of your questions regarding our programme
- introduce you to other potential fellow travellers of the next:pedition
Dates & Details
Discovery Session
| virtual
3:00-5:00 p.m.
Register for the next Discovery Session via:
events [at] (events[at]dwarfsandgiants[dot]org)
Curious to find out more?
@People Entry Point
Dr. Gerhard Hochreiter
dwarfsandgiants [dot] org

“Let’s work with our revolutionary potential and
radically change the future of organization.”
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