(c) Maria Noi
Gerhard Hochreiter
Gerhard has worked as an entrepreneur and executive director for the past 15 years with a focus on innovation culture and „new ways of work“ as a systemic business consultant. Before and parallel to that, he was professionally active in several fields: as a social worker, sociologist, coach, newspaper and radio editor, university lecturer (Vienna, Wiener Neustadt, Linz) as well as in the area of youth work. Since being a founding member of dwarfs and Giants in 2015, he has been delighted to be working there, rethinking organizations and collaboration.
His purpose “unleash creative potential – to make the world a better place“ runs like a common thread through his life. Gerhard's biography shapes his professional approach. He uses different perspectives and is able to take surprising points of view. He appreciates human playfulness, creativity, and craziness as inspiration and addition to agile forms of collaboration and clear roles.
What is the main focus of your work at dwarfs and Giants?
- Whole-system transformation processes in order to create purpose-driven organizations
- Passionate about co-creating “cultures of innovation”
- Acting as sparring partner and coach for inner leadership journeys to allow people to unleash their creative potential and start to live a next narrative
What have been your most important learning experiences?
- Ten years as a managing partner and consultant at "Beratergruppe Neuwaldegg", leading large-scale transformation and innovation projects in SMEs and corporations
- University lecturer focusing on the areas of innovation and systemic corporate development
- Innovation program "creative rollercoaster" with nowhere consulting (UK) – combining ancient wisdom and innovation practice
How did you get in touch with New Work?
I once got a request from a customer starting with the statement “something is off” and leading to: “How can we think about and shape collaboration and leadership differently? We’re not using the full potential of our employees.” Excitingly, I had the same question at the time. By finding and designing solutions together, purpose orientation, agile methods, and the Lean Startup mindset became essential building blocks in my consulting DNA.
The Purpose of dG is about “wholesome organizations.” What does wholesomeness mean to you?
To have life in my life – to have time for my boys, my wife, friends, time for myself. To do something, have conversations that are not about work. And, to have a job that energizes me and allows me to be fully myself, with a sense of humor, vulnerable, sometimes smart – sometimes not – reflecting, open.