Bernhard Ibertsberger, dwarfs and Giants

(c) Maria Noi

Bernhard Ibertsberger

ecosystem partner

Bernhard enthusiastically accompanies organizations and people in times of change – designing spaces in which further development becomes possible.

Many years ago, Bernhard moved to Graz in order to learn everything about software development and electronics. After graduating from the University of Technology Graz with a degree in telematics, he worked as a software developer and contributed in various roles to numerous large and small projects. As an executive, he realized that working on a team and with people has more impact on success (and the happiness of the participants) than putting even more effort in better technology and infrastructure. Thus began a new phase of learning about social and psychological systems that will probably not end in this lifetime. 

What is the main focus of your work at dwarfs and Giants?

  • Organizational transformation
  • Facilitation
  • Agile trainings

What have been your most important learning experiences?

Daring to take the step of making ideas and knowledge from books available to other people. It became clear to me that stepping out of one’s comfort zone is necessary to make a difference. And also joint customer projects with colleagues with a background other that IT. It broadened my horizon incredibly.

How did you get in touch with New Work?

In hindsight, I would describe myself as a grumpy programmer during my time as an employee. I didn’t want to accept the things that annoyed us as given but find different, better solutions for everyone involved.

The purpose of dG is about “wholesome organizations.” What does wholesomeness mean to you?

There are many answers. One that just crossed my mind is emotions. When they arise all of a sudden, they are not a hindrance that we must hide ashamedly – on the contrary, they hold important information that should not be ignored.

b [dot] ibertsbergeratdwarfsandgiants [dot] org
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