(c) Maria Noi
Elisabeth Deutsch
Elisabeth’s path to the land of dwarfs and giants was truly not a straight one. Elisabeth grew up on a farm in the beautiful East Styrian hills. After graduating from the College of Tourism & Leisure Industry Bad Gleichenberg, she started working in a travel agency. In addition to her studies in Business Administration and while doing a Master’s degree in International Development, she worked as a project manager in the event sector. Her path led her from the deputy management of the VinziWerke via the network partnership at the Neuwaldegg consultancy group to dwarfs and Giants. Especially her NPO time with the poorest of the poor taught her to take a closer look and to recognize and appreciate the true person with all their needs. Making a real difference in the lives of others and thus contributing to the common good has been motivating her ever since. Elisabeth has over 12 years of experience in project management in internal and external change processes and innovation projects. Since 2017 she has accompanied various organizations in the field of systemic management consulting and coaching as an independent consultant, and has also worked as an editor for systemic coaching and organizational development at ARGE Bildungsmanagement.
What is the main focus of your work at dwarfs and Giants?
- Accompanying agile, systemic transformation processes
- Developing and implementing next:land organizational designs
- Agile strategy work – strategizing
- Leadership enablement and systemic leadership coaching
- Accompanying self-organized teams
- Purpose quests and vision search
- Leading through conflicts with “Clear the Air”
How did you get in touch with New Work?
I used to have a lot of friends in well-paid management jobs with prestigious companies, but all I heard was, “Oh dear, it’s Monday again!” or “Thank God, it’s Friday!”. This was mainly due to the way these companies were structured and organized. In a system where people are regarded solely as human resources there is little room for meaning, fulfillment, joy, and the development of one’s own potential. So I thought: There must be a different way! I quickly found what I was looking for, and set off on a continuous journey into next:land and to myself, because – as wonderfully described in the book “New Work needs Inner Work” by Joana Breidenbach und Bettina Rollow – this is about a holistic change and a mindset shift that opens up a whole new world.
Is there a quote that particularly inspires you?
We have two ears and one mouth so we can listen twice as much as we speak.
freely adapted from Zeno of Citium
Empathic listening with an open heart and mindful presence is a great gift in our fast-paced times. It allows our counterpart to relax, to be heard, and to come to his or her own solution.