Anna Wohlesser, dwarfs and Giants

(c) Maria Noi

Anna Wohlesser

evolutionary catalyst

Why is working together sometimes so easy and sometimes so difficult? And what makes the difference? How do we need to think about organizing so that working together is as relaxed as possible, yet effective and economical? These and other questions are on Anna’s mind when working as a transformation process consultant.

In doing so, she can draw on more than ten years of considerable experience with very different organizations, from ministries to grassroots democratic circus collectives, from start-ups to steel industry companies.

On their way to New Work, organizations often desire buzzwords such as transparency, working at eye level, joint further development, etc.However, a new culture and a new way of working together cannot simply be decided upon – concrete anchors in the organization are needed.For example, if trust is to be established as a culture, the organization has to look at different areas: What about transparency? How easy is it for employees to access relevant information? Which people are hired with what attitude?How can they be supported in their training and education? Only in this way, i.e. by interlocking strategy, processes and personnel decisions, sustainable change can take place. 

What are the focal points of your work at dwarfs and Giants?

  • First and foremost, a basic assumption: All people act on the basis of positive, universal needs, even though the way we meet those needs may leave the needs of others unmet. Even if this assumption is not 100 percent true in every situation, it helps to work together in a more relaxed and effective way. 
  • Transformation processes involving all levels of the organization, from production employees to management.
  • Supporting people and organizations to get started into next:land, especially as a guide in our learning lab next:pedition.
  • Self-organization and self-determined learning based on the principles of Holacracy and cell organization.
  • Clear the Air, mediation, and how the above-mentioned basic assumption can really be lived in organizations.

Is there a quote that particularly inspires you?

The quality of our work comes from the quality of our relationships.

Marlow Hotchkiss

In my experience, good relationships make organizations more relaxed, more effective and, above all, faster. 

a [dot] wohlesseratdwarfsandgiants [dot] org
dwarfs and Giants runs on Holacracy 5.0:
see my roles on Holaspirit
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