Björn Rabethge, dwarfs and Giants

(c) Maria Noi

Björn Rabethge

evolutionary catalyst

Björn loves to support organizations, teams, and individuals in their development. He is a systemic organizational consultant and has been working at dwarfs and Giants as an Evolutionary Catalyst since 2017. His focus is on systemic-agile organizational transformation, self-organization, and agile methodologies.

"Living structures for loving beings": Björn is moved by the question of how we can create living structures that provide meaning and orientation. These structures should help people meet each other at eye level and unlock their full potential together. In addition to his systemic background, he has a strong "agile streak" as a former software developer, with a focus on self-organization and a deep understanding of group dynamics. His goal is to make the benefits of agile methodologies and a productive conflict culture accessible and valuable for the entire organization.

What is the main focus of your work at dwarfs and Giants?

  • Large-scale cultural transformation for entire organizations
  • Systemic-agile transformation
  • Implementing self-organization
  • Developing a productive feedback culture

What have been your most important learning experiences? 

  • Studies of economics and computer science
  • Learning lab next:pedition, change essentials, pioneers of change
  • Certified Holacracy® trainer & coach
  • Clear the Air Facilitator Training
  • Qualifications in agile software development, economic research, non-violent communication, Art of Hosting, project management

The Purpose of dG is about “wholesome organizations.” What does wholesomeness mean to you?

To me, a "wholesome organization" means being healthy in all areas—both economically successful and sustainable in how it treats itself, its people, and the world.

b [dot] rabethgeatdwarfsandgiants [dot] org
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dwarfs and Giants runs on Holacracy 5.0:
see my roles on Holaspirit

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