Group Dynamics

Training Group: Strengthening team competence & experiencing self-reliance in this course of the Center for Social Competence at the University of Graz in cooperation with dwarfs and Giants

In this Training Group, you have the opportunity to learn about groups based on the experiences and reflections in a specific group, to create analogies to your (working) environment and to try out new options for action and control. Guided by experience and theory, you understand emotions as a diagnostic tool and develop an understanding of leadership and authority in the group. You will experience how beneficial and inhibiting factors can be made visible through focused perception, how differences can be dealt with consciously and how intention and effect can match or differ (self-reflection and external perception). Theoretical inputs complement the experience.

Key Learnings

  • How does a group develop?
  • Which factors influence group activity?
  • How do I experience myself as part of a group?
  • How important are emotions in group development?
  • How to productively deal with uncertainty?

Target Audience

(Future) Leadership Roles
Projekt Managers
Scrum Masters & Agile Teams
Internal & external consultants
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Group Size

This training consists of five to eight training groups of 10-12 participants each.

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Center for Social Competence
Merangasse 12
8010 Graz, Austria

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This format is held as a course at the Center for Social Competence twice a year.

For external participants, participation costs EUR 1,200 (net).

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February (German) & July (German/English), at least one group will be held in English (with trainers from the USA or India) at the July date. Next courses scheduled:

February 6th-10th, 2023 (only German T-groups!)
July 3rd-7th, 2023 (two T-groups planned in English)

Continuous presence during the training times (Mon-Thurs 9:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., Fri 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.) is absolutely necessary, otherwise the attendance is not possible.

@Event Interface

eventsatdwarfsandgiants [dot] org

Registrations will be coordinated with the University of Graz

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