Systemic Transformation Theory

Systemic change management & how to apply the systemic lens to your own organization

This workshop by Prof. Dr. Rupert Hasenzagl serves as an introduction to systemic theory as a basis for organizational transformation processes. Based on case studies from your company and your practical experience, theoretical assumptions such as constructivism and social systems theory according to Luhmann are used to form hypotheses and discuss questions. The aim of this training is a well-founded understanding of the theoretical basics as well as experience in the application of this model to solve problems in a leadership role, e.g. in change management. The methodology consists of experience-oriented and independent learning as well as inputs, group work and reflection.

Prof. Dr. Rupert Hasenzagl works in academic teaching and research (currently at the University of Linz, for business school LIMAK and the TU Vienna) and is an author, management consultant and trainer. His most recent book "Professional Management" was published in 2020, he is co-editor of five management books and author of numerous book contributions and articles on management topics. As a consultant and trainer, he works with well-known European companies, with a focus on in-depth change projects and theory-based management development projects.

Online Check-In

Getting to know the group, previous experiences with systemic theory, preparatory task for the workshop

Workshop Days

Basics of systems theory (systems and their cooperation, theory levels, characteristics of organizations) and systemic change management (interventions, process of systemic change)

Online Reflection

Reflection and transfer to your organizational context, effect and change, etc.

Key Learnings

  • How powerful theoretical foundations can help you to minimize the risk of blind spots 
  • Why a systemic lens helps to navigate in a VUCA context
  • What a systemic view on organizations really means and why humans are not part of an organization
  • What profound implications a systemic lens has for your management or consulting practice

Dates & Details


Online Check-In

| virtual


Workshop Days

- | Vienna


Online Reflection

| virtual


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Group Size

8-12 participants, one trainer

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dwarfs and Giants @STUDIO11
Bräunerstrasse 11/3
1010 Vienna

Our office at Bräunerstraße is centrally located and in walking distance from the subway stations U1 / U3 Stephansplatz or U1 / U2 / U4 Karlsplatz. You can also take the bus 1A from Karlsplatz to Habsburgergasse. Unfortunately, parking space is rare, but you can e.g. use the public garage "Contipark" at Museumsquartier.

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EUR 2.190 (net) including all materials & reflection sessions. Drinks, coffee, lunch & snacks are included on the seminar days. If you have special dietary requirements, please let us know as soon as possible.

This workshop is part of the interactive learning lab next:pedition. Participants of next:pedition can join this workshop as a prep:camp for their learning journey.

@Event Interface

eventsatdwarfsandgiants [dot] org

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